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HA-1 Human Autonomic Nervous System 
HA-2 Human Blood Groups
HA-3 Human Blood Circulation
HA-4 Human Central & Peripheral Nervous System
HA-5 Human Circulatory System
HA-6 Components of Human Blood
HA-7 Human Digestive System
HA-8 Human Ear
HA-9 Human Eye
HA-10 Human Endocrine Glands
HA-11 Human Excretory System & Structure of Nephron
HA-12 Human Joints & Limbs
HA-13 Human Muscular System
HA-14 Neuron and Reflex Arc
HA-15 Human Reproductive System - Male
HA-16 Human Reproductive System - Female
HA-17 Human Respiratory System
HA-18 Human Skeleton
HA-19 Structure of Human Heart
HA-20 Structure of Human Skin
HA-21 Human Teeth and Tongue
HA-22 Vestigial Organs
HA-23 Homologous & Analogous Organs (Animals)
HA-24 Human Embryo Development - I
HA-25 Human Embryo Development - II
HA-26 Human Lungs
HA-27 Human Kidney
HA-28 Human Lymphatic System


B-1 Spirogyra - Life Cycle
B-2 Rhizopus - Life Cycle
B-3 Funaria - Life Cycle
B-4 Pteris - Life Cycle
B-5 Cycas - Life Cycle
B-6 Root - Modifications
B-7 Stem Modifications- Aerial
B-8 Stem Modification - Sub Aerial & Underground
B-9 Leaf Phyllotaxy and Heterophylly
B-10 Leaf Types and Venation
B-11 Leaf Modifications
B-12 Flower and Aestivation
B-13 Androecium and Gynoecium
B-14 Fruits - Types (False & True Fruits)
B-15 Dry Fruits (Dehiscent & Indehiscent Fruits)
B-16 Inflorescence- Racemose
B-17 Inflorescence- Cymose & Special
B-18 Plant Kingdom Classification
B-19 Microsporangium & Male Gametophyte
B-20 Microsporangium & Female Gametophyte
B-21 Types of Ovules & Fertilization
B-22 Collenchyma
B-23 Parenchyma
B-24 Phloem
B-25 Sclerenchyma
B-26 Xylem
B-27 Dicot Root (Helianthus Annuus)
B-28 Dicot- Stem (Helianthus Annuus)
B-29 Dorsi Ventral (Dicot) Leaf (Helianthus Annuus)
B-30 Isobilateral (Monocot) Leaf (Zea Mays)
B-31 Monocot- Root (Zea Mays)
B-32 Monocot- Stem (Zea Mays)
B-33 Secondary Growth of Dicot Stem
B-34 Calvin Cycle (C3)
B-35 Glycolysis & Electron Transport System
B-36 Hatch and Slack Pathway
B-37 Kreb’s Cycle
B-38 Light Reaction
B-39 Tissue Culture
B-40 Arecaceae (Cocos Nucifera)
B-41 Asteraceae (Tridax Procumbense)
B-42 Brassicaceae (Brassica Compestris)
B-43 Euphorbiaceae (Ricinus Communis)
B-44 Fabaceae (Tephrosia Purpurea)
B-45 Fabaceae (Clitoria Ternatea)
B-46 Fabaceae (Pisum Sativam)
B-47 Liliaceae (Allium Cepa)
B-48 Malvaceae (Hibiscus rosa - Sinensis)
B-49 Poaceae (Triticum Aesivium)
B-50 Rubiaceae (Ixora Coccinea)
B-51 Solanaceae (Datura Metal)
B-52 Blast of Paddy
B-53 Benthum & Hooker"s Classifications
B-54 Citrus Canker
B-55 Grain Smut of Sorghum
B-56 Red Rot of Sugarcane
B-57 Hydrophytes Anatomical Featrues
B-58 Hydrophytes Morphological Featrues
B-59 Funeria Gametophore - T.S.Stem & Leaf
B-60 Cycas Corolloid Root & Stem
B-61 Cycas Leaflet & Rachis
B-62 Xerophytes Morphological Features
B-63 Special Tissues
B-64 Vaucheria Life Cycle
B-65 Ulothrix Life Cycle
B-66 Thallus Organisation of Algae
B-67 Life Cycle of An Angiosperm
B-68 Plasmolysis, Osmosis, Deffusion
B-69 Solanaceae (Solanum Nigrum)
B-70 Chlamydomons
B-71 Chlamydomonas Reproduction - I
B-72 Chlamydomonas Reproduction - I I
B-73 Chara
B-74 Chara Reproduction
B-75 Volvox
B-76 Oedogonium
B-77 Oedogonium Reproduction
B-78 Ectocarpus
B-79 Ectocarpus Life Cycle
B-80 Musacaee
B-81 Photosynthesis Experiments
B-82 Photorespiration
B-83 Seed Germination


Bi-1 Bacteria - Ultra Structure and Kinds
Bi-2 Cell Organelles
Bi-3 Chromosome - Structure and Kinds
Bi-4 Mitosis
Bi-5 Meiosis
Bi-6 DNA Double Helix
Bi-7 Ultra Structure of Animal Cell
Bi-8 Ultra Structure of Plant Cell
Bi-9 Virus - Bacteriophage and Life Cycle
Bi-10 Sexual Reproduction in Plants
Bi-11 Vegetative Reproduction in Plants
Bi-12 Balanced Diet
Bi-13 Central Dogma
Bi-14 Genetic Code
Bi-15 Marasms & Kwashiorkor
Bi-16 Types of RNA
Bi-17 Vitamins & Rich Food in Vitamins & its Deficiency
Bi-18 Solar System
Bi-19 Homologous & Analogous Organs in Plants
Bi-20 Solar and Lunar Eclipse
Bi-21 Soil Erosion


EC-1 Biosphere
EC-2 Carbon Cycle
EC-3 Nitrogen Cycle
EC-4 Oxygen Cycle
EC-5 Water Cycle
EC-6 Food Web
EC-7 Food Chain- Terrestial & Aquatic
EC-8 Food Chain- Aquatic
EC-9 Food Chain- Grass Land
EC-10 Pond Eco System
EC-11 Sulphur Cycle
EC-12 Phosphorus
EC-13 Environmental Pollution
EC-14 Sound Pollution
EC-15 Air Pollution
EC-16 Water Pollution


Z-1 Entamoeba Histolytica
Z-2 Plasmodium - Life Cycle in Human
Z-3 Plasmodium - Life Cycle in Mosquito
Z-4 Vorticella Conjugation
Z-5 Taenia Solium - Life Cycle
Z-6 Vuchareria Bancrofti - Life Cycle
Z-7 Earthworm Blood Vascular System
Z-8 Earthworm Digestive System
Z-9 Earthworm Excretory System
Z-10 Earthworm External Morphology
Z-11 Eathworm General Anatomy
Z-12 Earthworm Nervous System
Z-13 Earthworm Reproductive System
Z-14 Cockroach Digestive System
Z-15 Cockroach External Features & Mouth Parts
Z-16 Cockroach Nervous System
Z-17 Cockroach Respiratory System
Z-18 Butterfly - Life History & Mouth Parts
Z-19 Housefly - Life History & Mouth Parts
Z-20 Mosquito - Life History & Mouth Parts
Z-21 Silkworm - Life History
Z-22 Animal Tissue - I (Connective Tissue)
Z-23 Animal Tissue - II (Epitherlial Tissue)
Z-24 Rabbit Arterial System
Z-25 Rabbit - Brain
Z-26 Rabbit - Digesitive System
Z-27 Rabbit Double Circulation
Z-28 Rabbit - Endocrine System
Z-29 Rabbit - Exretory System
Z-30 Rabbit - General Anatomy
Z-31 Rabbit - Embryo Development
Z-32 Rabbit - Heart
Z-33 Rabbit - Nervous System
Z-34 Rabbit - Respiratory System
Z-35 Rabbit - Reproductive System-Male
Z-36 Rabbit - Reproductive System-Female
Z-37 Rabbit - Venous System
Z-38 Pigeon General Anatomy
Z-39 Pigeon Respiratory System
Z-40 Fish Gills and Scales
Z-41 Frog Urinogenital System-Male
Z-42 Frog Urinogenital System-Female
Z-43 Snakes (Poisonous & Non Poisonous)
Z-44 Animal Kingdom - Classification
Z-45 Euglena
Z-46 Paramecium
Z-47 Amoeba Structure & Nutrition
Z-48 Amoeba Locomotion & Reproduction
Z-49 Taenia Solium Structure
Z-50 Frog : Digestive System
Z-51 Frog : Respiratory System
Z-52 Frog : Heart
Z-53 Frog : External Features & Superficial Skeletal Muscle
Z-54 Frog : Arterial System
Z-55 Frog : Venous System
Z-56 Frog : Nervous System
Z-57 Frog : Brain
Z-58 Cockroach : Blood Circulatory System
Z-59 Cockroach : Reproductive System
Z-60 Frog : Life Cycle
Z-61 Canal System in Sponges
Z-62 Hydra
Z-63 Ascaris Lumbricoides
Z-64 Harmful & Useful Insects
Z-65 Ancylostoma Duodenalu
Z-66 Dracunculus Medinensis
Z-67 Enterobius Vermicularis
Z-68 Schistosoma Haematobium
Z-69 Trichuris Trichiura
Z-70 Trichinella Spiralis
Z-71 Fasciolopsis Buski
Z-72 Leishmania Donovani
Z-73 Trypanosoma Gambiense
Z-74 Asteria Water Vascular System
Z-75 Rabbit Skeleton & Joints
Z-76 Rabbit Head & Moth Parts
Z-77 Rabbit Skull
Z-78 Rabbit Girdles & Limbs
Z-79 Rabbit Vertebrae
Z-80 Amphioxus


PS-1 Cathode and Anode Rays
PS-2 Discharge Phenomena
PS-3 Laser Principles and Properties
PS-4 Nuclear Fusion & Fission
Ps-5 Nuclear Reactor
PS-6 Periodic Table of Elements - Long Form
PS-7 Radioactivity -Alpha, Beta, Gama Rays
PS-8 Preparation of Oxygen gas in Lab
PS-9 Preparation of Hydrogen gas in Lab
PS-10 Preparation of Carbondioxide gas in Lab


P-1 Logic Gates & DeMorghan"s Theorems
P-2 Dispersion - Colour Objects
P-3 Electromagnetism
P-4 Electric Motor
P-5 Electro Magnetic Induction
P-6 Electro Magnetic Spectrum
P-7 Generators (Dynamo)
P-8 Newton"s Law of Motion
P-9 Ohm"s Law
P-10 Reflection of Light - Mirrors
P-11 Refraction of Light - Lenses
P-12 Semiconductors
P-13 Transistors
P-14 Transformer
P-15 Cathode Ray Osciloscope
P-16 X-Ray & Applications
P-17 Thermo Electric Effect
P-18 Light - Polarisation
P-19 Velocity of Light
P-20 Liquification of Hydrogen
P-21 Liquificaton of Air
P-22 Optical Instruments (Microscope: Simple & Compound)
P-23 Telescope
P-24 Production & Propogation of Sound Echo
P-25 Primary Electric Cells
P-26 Electric Circuits
P-27 Effects of Electric Current
P-28 Renewable & Non Renewable Energy Sources
P-29 Varation of Atmosphere
P-30 K.E, P.E. Interconversion


C-1 Allotropes of Carbon
C-2 Bohr"s Atomic Model
C-3 Chemical Bond
C-4 Extraction of Iron-Types of Furnace
C-5 Extraction of Magnesium
C-6 Sodium Extraction (Down"s Process)
C-7 Fractional Distillation of Petroleum
C-8 Hybridisation
C-9 Manufacture of Alcohol
C-10 Aluminum Extraction
C-11 Ammonia Manufacture (Haber"s Process)
C-12 Manufacture of Portland Cement
C-13 Manufacture of Sugar from Sugarcane
C-14 Manufacture of Sodium Hydroxide & Chlorine (Nelson Process)
C-15 Nitric Acid Manufacture (Ostwald Process)
C-16 Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid & Extraction of Sulphur
C-17 Organic Chemistry - I
C-18 Organic Chemistry - II
C-19 Bleaching Powder Manufacture
C-20 Methane Preparation
C-21 Ethylene Preparation
C-22 Acetylene Preparation
C-23 Solid State
C-24 Shapes of Molecules
C-25 S.P.D Orbitals
C-26 Conformation of Ethane & Cyclohexane
C-27 Optical & Geometric Isomerism (Organic)
C-28 Optical & Geometric Isomerism (Inorganic)
C-29 Sturcture of Silicates


GT-1 Chromosomal Aberrations
GT-2 Human Chromosomes & Giant Chromosomes
GT-3 Crossing Over
GT-4 Cytoplasmic Inheritance
GT-5 Di hybrid Cross
GT-6 Linkage
GT-7 Mono Hybrid Crosss (Complete Dominance)
GT-8 Mono Hybrid Cross (InComplete Dominance)
GT-9 Mono Hybrid Cross (10+2 Level)
GT-10 Mendelism - I
GT-11 Mendelism - II
GT-12 Mendilism - III
GT-13 Pedigree Analysis
GT-14 Sex Linked Inheritance (Hemophilia)
GT-15 Syndromes
GT-16 Sex Linked Inheritence (Color Blindness)
GT-17 Pedigree Analysis of Human Traits
GT-18 Epistatis
GT-19 Gene Therapy - I
GT-20 Gene Therapy - I I
GT-21 Molecular Mechanism of Recombination


MB-1 Bacteria Fine Structure - I
MB-2 Bacteria Fine Structure - II
MB-3 Bacteria Sporulation
MB-4 Bacteria Germination & Cell Division
MB-5 Bacterial Plasmids & Transposons
MB-6 Types of Bacteria
MB-7 Types of Viruses
MB-8 Cultivation of Viruses
MB-9 T4 - Lytic & Lysogenic Cycle
MB-10 Pathogenic Protozoa - I
MB-11 Pathogenic Protozoa - II
MB-12 HIV - Human Immuno Deficiencey Virus
MB-13 Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells
MB-14 DNA Replication in Bacteria
MB-15 DNA Repair System
MB-16 Dna Viral Replication
MB-17 DNA - Genetic Material
MB-18 Gene Regulation - I ( Lac Operon )
MB-19 Gene Regulation - II
MB-20 Gene Regulation - III
MB-21 Gene Transfer Conjugation
MB-22 Gene Transfer Transformation
MB-23 Gene Transfer Transduction
MB-24 Protein Synthesis
MB-25 Protein Synthesis -Translation
MB-26 Protein Synthesis-Transcription
MB-27 Pure Culture Techniques - I
MB-28 Pure Culture Techniques - II
MB-29 Control of Micro Organisms
MB-30 Light Microscope & Its Types
MB-31 Electron Microscope & Its Types
MB-32 Waste Water Treatment
MB-33 Sewage Treatment
MB-34 Bacteria Motility Test
MB-35 Mucor Life Cycle
MB-36 Multiple Tube Fermentation Test
MB-37 Winogradsky Column
MB-38 Acid Fast Staining
MB-39 Grams Staining
MB-40 Capsule Staining
MB-41 Spore Staining
MB-42 Negative Staining
MB-43 Whittackers Classification
MB-44 Agaricus Life Cycle
MB-45 Aspergillus Life Cycle
MB-46 Cultural Characteristics - I
MB-47 Cultural Characterists - II
MB-48 Penicillium Life Cycle


BC-1 Protein Sturcture
BC-2 Classifications of Proteins
BC-3 Amino Acid Structure - I
BC-4 Amino Acid Structure - II
BC-5 Classification of Amino Acid
BC-6 Carbohydrates Structure & Classification
BC-7 Lipids Structure & Classification
BC-8 Enzymes Classificaton & Kinetics
BC-9 Chromatography - I
BC-10 Chromatography - II
BC-12 Electrophoresis Procedure
BC-13 Electrophoresis - I
BC-14 Electrophoresis - II
BC-15 Prophyrins
BC-16 Urea Cycle
BC-17 Nucleotide & Biosynthesis - I
BC-18 Nucleotide & Biosynthesis - II
BC-19 An Over View of Amino Acid & Biosynthesis
BC-20 Biosynthesis of Alanine, Asparagine, Glutamine
BC-21 Biosynthesis of Serine, Glycine, Cysteine
BC-22 Biosynthesis of Histidine
BC-23 Biosynthesis of Aromatic Amino Acids
BC-24 Biosynthesis of Proline & Arginine
BC-25 Biosynthesis of Lysine & Methionine
BC-26 Biosynthesis of Isoleucine Valine & Leucine
BC-27 Biosynthesis of Glutamate, Aspartate & Threonine


BT-1 Action of Restriction of Enzyme
BT-2 Bio-Reactors - I
BT-3 Bio-Reactors - II
BT-4 Bio Gas Plant
BT-5 DNA Synthesis - I
BT-6 DNA Synthesis - II
BT-7 DNA Synthesis - III
BT-8 DNA Finger Printing (10+2 Level)
BT-9 DNA Finger Printing
BT-10 Gene Transfer Techniques - I
BT-11 Gene Transfer Techniques - II
BT-12 Gene Transfer Techniques - III
BT-13 Gene Cloning
BT-14 Gene Library
BT-15 Hybridoma Technology
BT-16 Insulin Production
BT-17 Immobilization of Enzymes
BT-18 Northern - Hybridization
BT-19 Southern - Hybridization
BT-20 Western - Hybridization
BT-21 Penicilllin Production
BT-22 Polymerase Chain REaction (PCR)
BT-23 Sheep Cloning
BT-24 Single Cell Protein
BT-25 Transgenic Animals
BT-26 Transgenic Plants
BT-27 Vectors - I
BT-28 Vectors - II
BT-29 Vectors - III
BT-30 Embryonic Stem Cell Technology
BT-31 Applications of Genetic Engineering
BT-32 Screening Techniques - I
BT-33 Screening Techniquies - I I
BT-34 Preparation of Tissue Extract
BT-35 Cryopreservation
BT-36 Types of Animal Cell Culture
BT-37 Tissue Disaggregation - I
BT-38 Tissue Disaggregation - I I
BT-39 Types of Bone Marrow Transplantation
BT-40 Somaclonal Variations


IM-1 Antigen Antibody Reaction - I
IM-2 Antigen Antibody Reactions - II
IM-3 Antigen Antibody Reactions - III
IM-4 Blood Cell Meturation
IM-5 Complement System
IM-6 Cells of Immune System
IM-7 Cell Surface Receptors
IM-8 ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay)
IM-9 Hpersensitivity - I & II
IM-10 Hypersensitivity - III & IV
IM-11 Hypersensitivity - V
IM-12 Immunoglobulin
IM-13 Interferon Production
IM-14 Lymphocyte Immune Defence
IM-15 Lymphocyte Activation
IM-16 MHC- Major HIstoCompatability
IM-17 Primary Lymphoid Organs
IM-18 Secondary Lymphoid Organs
IM-19 Ployclonal Antibodies
IM-20 Cell Cycle Regulation


PH-1 Anise Fruit
PH-2 Aloes (Aloevera)
PH-3 Ashwagandha
PH-4 Belladonna
PH-5 Clove Bud
PH-6 Coriander Fruit
PH-7 Cascara Bark
PH-8 Cordamom Fruit
PH-9 Cinnamon Bark
PH-10 Digitallis Leaf
PH-11 Datura Leaf
PH-12 Ephedra Stem
PH-13 Fennel Fruit
PH-14 Ginger Rhizome
PH-15 Ipecacuanha Root
PH-16 Kurchi Bark
PH-17 Liquorice Root
PH-18 Nuxvomica Seed
PH-19 Quantitative Pharmacognosy - I
PH-20 Quantitative Pharmacognosy - II
PH-21 Rauwolfia Root
PH-22 Squill
PH-23 Senna Leaf
PH-24 Turmeric
PH-25 Typical Examples of Epidermis Showing Stomata,Trichromes & Epidermal Cells
PH-26 Vasaka Leaf

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